NULM Chandigarh
National Urban Livelihood Mission, Chandigarh
NULM Chandigarh (formerly SJSRY Chandigarh) is a centrally sponsored scheme which started in 1997. It seeks to provide gainful employment to the unemployed and underemployed urban poor by encouraging skill development and self-employment and also through wage employment for construction of socially and economically useful public assets.
The major focus of NULM is Skill Training for Employment Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEP-UP) component, which targets the urban poor for imparting quality training so as to enhance their employability for self employment or better salaried employment. This program is implemented through the State Urban Poverty Alleviation Cell, Chandigarh.
Under STEP-UP, one of the components of SJSRY, Sebiz Infotech is imparting ICT training in Chandigarh since 2012. The training program includes Basic Computers, Accounting & Tally, Hardware & Networking and Soft Skills.

Video of lab work at Chandigarh

Video of lab work at Chandigarh